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Supplement starter guide: Choosing your vitamins and creating a routine

The role of gut health in nutrient absorption Many people view their brains as their body’s control center, but the gut is where the real action happens. For example, 95 percent of serotonin (the neurotransmitter that controls mood, memory, and learning) is actually made in your gut and is then sent to your brain through…

Best Essential Oil Combinations for Laundry

Use a laundry soap free from harsh additives & perfumes  Many people have no idea what kinds of harsh chemicals and additives are hiding in their laundry detergent. When selecting a detergent, always check for synthetic ingredients and opt for one that is free of harsh additives and fragrances. The following are common additives that…

On-the-go-aromas: Car diffuser blends | Young Living Blog

Whether you’re running kids to school or winding down after a day at the office, customize your carpool with one of these essential oil blends for your car! These blends are tailored for our Viya diffuser, which holds up to four drops of essential oil. If you’re using a USB diffuser or want to diffuse…

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