Supplement starter guide: Choosing your vitamins and creating a routine

The role of gut health in nutrient absorption

Many people view their brains as their body’s control center, but the gut is where the real action happens. For example, 95 percent of serotonin (the neurotransmitter that controls mood, memory, and learning) is actually made in your gut and is then sent to your brain through various nerves. Studies have shown that a nutrient-dense diet can generate a vast improvement in overall mental wellness, but how does that all work?

When we consume any type of food or drink, enzymes break it down while we chew, then the food travels to the stomach to start the digestion process, which further breaks down the food into vitamins and minerals. Next, they travel to the small intestine, where most of the nutrient absorption occurs.

Known for being a whopping 20 feet long, the small intestine, also known as the small bowel, is lined with soft tissues that wrinkle and fold together. These tissues are covered with microscopic protrusions called villi. The villi are hairlike and their abundance, along with the many tissue folds, create an incredibly large surface area, which is necessary to maximize the absorption of nutrients in food.

If the gastrointestinal system is in poor health, your small intestine will have a harder time absorbing those nutrients—and because gut health affects the whole body, nutrient deficiencies can create mysterious ailments that are hard to nail down. Luckily, your gut is one of the easiest systems within your body to heal, and through proper nutrition either from a mineral-dense diet or supplements, you can improve the health of multiple organs by improving the health of your gut. To learn more about supplements that can improve your gut health, check out this blog post.

Life 9 and other Young living supplements

Know your baseline vitamin levels

While most people are deficient in some vitamins, minerals, or amino acids, many do not know it until their doctor orders a blood test. Knowing where you currently stand with your nutrient absorption can help you create a supplement game plan and hone in on specific areas that need improvement. Talk with your doctor about testing for nutrient deficiencies or get your blood tested by one of the many companies that offer similar services. Because having too much of a vitamin can have an adverse effect, it’s important to get these tests done before you start implementing supplements. Plus, this will give you a baseline you can refer to later to see if your supplement plan is working.

Developing a supplement routine/schedule

Supplements really get to do their work when you take them consistently, letting the nutrients build in your system and allowing your body to absorb those nutrients on a regular basis. This is why planning and sticking to a routine can make or break your supplement experience. Follow these simple suggestions to craft a supplement routine that works for you:

1. Some vitamins can be taken on an empty stomach, while others need to be taken with food. This information can be found on the label and will help you determine a time frame for taking your supplements every day.

2. It’s easy to miss a bottle when you have a whole lineup of supplements in the rotation. Use a supplement box to prep your vitamins every day and help you stay on track.

3. While you can take all your vitamins at once, it’s easier on the stomach to break up your supplements into multiple doses throughout the day. This will also help your body receive nutrients throughout the day instead of all at once.

4. Instead of taking all your bottles with you when you travel, use a carrying case to easily transport your supplements wherever life takes you.

5. Consistency is key when taking supplements. Plan on taking them at the same time every day to train yourself to remember.

Pairing supplements for an extra kick

Many vitamins and minerals pair well together, amplifying their properties when used in conjunction with one another. Several Young Living supplements are easy and safe to combine. You can mix Mineral Essence™ with NingXia Red® and a drop of Peppermint Vitality™ essential oil or add Sulfurzyme® to NingXia Red with a hint of Lime Vitality essential oil!

Example supplement schedule

Finding a routine that works for you is going to be a practice of trial and error, but you can use the following schedule as a beginner guide to finding your perfect routine:

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Best Essential Oil Combinations for Laundry

Use a laundry soap free from harsh additives & perfumes 

Many people have no idea what kinds of harsh chemicals and additives are hiding in their laundry detergent. When selecting a detergent, always check for synthetic ingredients and opt for one that is free of harsh additives and fragrances. The following are common additives that should be avoided:

Optical brighteners 

Many popular laundry detergents contain optical brighteners to give clothes the appearance of being clean and white. By reflecting blue light, optical brighteners give the illusion of fabrics that look whiter than they actually are. These chemicals are designed to absorb into fabrics and remain on clothes after washing.

If you’re looking to keep your whites bright without adding synthetic chemicals to the wash, try one of these easy alternatives:

  • If you see stains on your clothes, pretreat them before washing.
  • Don’t mix your whites with other colors in the wash. Launder them in an all-white load and use hot water.
  • To whiten small items like socks or napkins, fill a pot with water and a few lemon slices, bring to a boil, turn off the heat, then add the linens. Soak for up to an hour, then launder as usual.
  • For an extra brightening boost for whites, hang them to dry in the sun for natural bleaching!

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) 

Sodium lauryl sulfate, or SLS, is a cleansing agent widely used in products like soaps, shampoos, toothpastes, and laundry detergents. It is used so often because it’s inexpensive and produces lots of foamy lather. Many people are concerned about SLS in their products because it can sometimes cause irritation or itchiness and may have other unknown side effects.

Synthetic perfumes

Some people consider synthetic perfumes, such as parabens, to be problematic because companies aren’t required to disclose the exact ingredients in the fragrances. Some have described that these perfumes can irritate sensitive skin and cause itching.

What makes Thieves Laundry Soap different

Like other products in Young Living’s household cleaner lineup, Thieves Laundry Soap’s purpose is to deliver a true clean provided by a plant-based formula that is free from the harsh additives we just discussed.

Thieves Laundry Soap is free from optical brighteners because you don’t want your clothes to just look clean—you want them to actually be clean! Our plant-based formula uses pure essential oils and natural cleansing enzymes to wash your clothes and keep them fresh.

Our detergent is also free from SLS and other sulfates. The cleaning power behind Thieves Laundry Soap comes from pure essential oils and natural enzymes. Thieves Laundry Soap also relies on the power of oils like Bergamot, Jade Lemon, and the essential oils in our Thieves blend to provide a refreshing scent without any hidden synthetic fragrances.

Other reasons we love Thieves Laundry Soap:

  • One 32-ounce bottle of our ultra-concentrated detergent formula can clean 64 loads of laundry.
  • This soap is compatible with high-efficiency washing machines and is safe for colors, whites, and delicates.
  • Thieves Laundry Soap is safe and gentle enough to be poured directly onto clothing as a pre-treatment.

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On-the-go-aromas: Car diffuser blends | Young Living Blog

Whether you’re running kids to school or winding down after a day at the office, customize your carpool with one of these essential oil blends for your car!

These blends are tailored for our Viya diffuser, which holds up to four drops of essential oil. If you’re using a USB diffuser or want to diffuse these blends in your home diffuser, be sure to adjust the drop quantities to fit your diffuser’s needs.

New Car diffuser blend

Peeling out of the dealership in a new car is one sweet ride! The hum of the road, the smooth steering, and that fresh-car smell make an unbeatable combination you never forget. While buying a new vehicle happens for most of us once in a blue moon, you can relive that new-car smell with invigorating Orange and Wintergreen!

  • 2 drops Orange oil
  • 2 drops Wintergreen oil
New Car diffuser blend

Calm Kids diffuser blend

Backpacks? Check. Homework? Check. Essential oils? Double check! Busy moments like school drop-offs could always use an extra bit of calm, so this blend of uplifting Citrus Fresh™, grounding Frankincense, woodsy Idaho Blue Spruce, and sweet Blue Tansy are great companions for any start-of-day drives.

  • 1 drop Citrus Fresh oil
  • 1 drop Frankincense oil
  • 1 drop Idaho Blue Spruce oil
  • 1 drop Blue Tansy oil
Calm Kids diffuser blend

Alert Driver diffuser blend

Road trip ahead! Grab your snacks, your favorite playlist, and this bright blend of Peppermint and uplifting Bergamot to keep you moving right along.

  • 2 drops Peppermint oil
  • 2 drops Bergamot oil
Alert Driver diffuser blend

Wanderlust diffuser blend

Is that the phone ringing? The open road is calling! Satisfy your wanderlust with positivity-boosting Stress Away™,  uplifting Grapefruit, and calm Ylang Ylang.

  • 2 drops Stress Away
  • 1 drop Grapefruit
  • 1 drop Ylang Ylang
Wanderlust diffuser blend

Windows Down diffuser blend

Windows down, music playing, and a summer breeze against your face are ingredients for the perfect afternoon drive. With floral Geranium, zesty Jade Lemon, calming Bergamot, and sweet, sensational Lavender in the passenger seat, you can re-create that dreamy drive year round.

  • 1 drop Geranium
  • 1 drop Jade Lemon
  • 1 drop Bergamot
  • 1 drop Lavender
Windows Down diffuser blend

Canyon Drive diffuser blend

Taking the scenic route is even sweeter with fresh Pine, invigorating Eucalyptus Globulus, and refreshing Peppermint. Enjoy this rich, moody blend as you soak up the sights!

  • 2 drops Pine
  • 1 drop Eucalyptus Globulus
  • 1 drop Peppermint
Canyon Drive diffuser blend

Soccer Pick-up diffuser blend

Got stink? No sweat! Refresh your car after a workout or soccer pick-up with herbaceous Rosemary, neutralizing Lemongrass, refreshing Lime, and invigorating Eucalyptus Radiata.

  • 1 drop Rosemary
  • 1 drop Lemongrass
  • 1 drop Lime
  • 1 drop Eucalyptus Radiata
Soccer Pick-up diffuser blend

Morning Commute diffuser blend

Hello, sunshine! Start your day the right way with an energizing scent of uplifting Grapefruit, lively Lime, cooling Spearmint, and fresh Lemon.

  • 1 drop Grapefruit
  • 1 drop Lime
  • 1 drop Spearmint
  • 1 drop Lemon
Morning Commute diffuser blend

YL tip: Don’t have a travel diffuser? You can still enjoy the aromatherapy of these car blends! Simply drop the essential oils onto a Car Vent Diffuser pad, a tissue, or a cotton ball and place it near your car’s air vent to disperse the scent throughout the interior.

Looking for more diffuser tips? Find out how to take care of your diffuser or satisfy your travel bug with these diffuser blends inspired by different cities!

Which of these blends are you most excited to try?

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What Are Hot Essential Oils and How to Use Them

In some cases, skin’s sensitivity may fluctuate. If your initial patch test reaction to a specific oil is not severe, you can try patch testing again in the future. Be sure to dilute with more carrier oil this time and keep a close eye for any negative reaction. Immediately discontinue topical use if you have another sensitive reaction.

Dilute with a carrier oil

When using hot essential oils, you must always dilute with a carrier oil to decrease the risk of irritation. Some carrier oil options that you can use include:

  • V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
  • Fractionated coconut oil
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Grape seed oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Olive oil

Not sure which carrier oil is right for you? Get to know your carrier oil options or take this quiz to find out.

V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

Typically, we recommend that you dilute 1 drop of a “hot” oil with 1–4 drops carrier oil. (Refer to essential oil bottle labels for specific carrier oil amounts). However, if you don’t have a negative reaction to an oil but the sensation is still a bit intense, compensate by diluting with more carrier oil. No two bodies are alike, but you know your skin best and can adjust to find the right fit for yourself!

Slow and steady wins the race! If you do not react with sensitivity to a hot oil, you can begin incorporating it into your routine safely and absorbing its topical benefits.

Diffuse “hot” oils 

If you are sensitive to the topical application of certain hot oils, it doesn’t mean you need to quit using them entirely. If the label says the oil is safe for diffusion, try experiencing all of the aromatic benefits it offers. Learn about the science behind aromatherapy in this blog post.

White Aria diffuser sitting on table - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

We have hundreds of diffuser blends on our blog that you can refer to for inspiration if you need to switch things up.

Now you’ve got everything you need to know about hot oils and how to use them safely! We hope this helps open up new avenues of essential oil self-care and gives you greater confidence to use any essential oils, hot or otherwise.

Are you ready for summer? Before you worry about a beach bod, make sure you’re using summer essential oils the safe way by reading our post “Photosensitive essential oils: Summer safety tips.”

Make the absolute most of your essential oil self-care practice and avoid rookie mistakes! Check out the 10 biggest essential oil mistakes!

What oil safety questions do you have?

Let us know in the comments below.

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Kids’ travel guide: 6 tips to make travelling easier

Spring break, winter holiday, or summer vacation means it’s road trip time! Photo-ready scenery, jam-worthy playlists, and memory-making fun is on the itinerary, but it’s not always smooth sailing. Traveling with littles means lots of prep for anything your kiddos might need, and we’ve got just the ticket for any situation! Whether you’re travelling by car, train, or plane, these tips for traveling with kids will make your travels more pleasant.

1. Pack snack boxes 

Say goodbye to hanger and hello to satisfied children with a DIY snack box! Fill a compartmental box with a mix of sweet, salty, and savory snacks that even picky littles will love. This simple prepped food means fewer snack stops and less tummy-rumbling as you travel with kids. Some great snack options include:

  • Apple slices
  • Mandarin oranges
  • Celery sticks
  • Crackers
  • Grapes
  • Sliced cheese/string cheese
  • Deli meat
  • Dried fruit
  • Homemade wolfberry bars
  • Popcorn
  • Blueberries
  • Carrots
  • Nuts/seeds

Disclaimer: Be sure to cut and portion out these snacks according to the guidelines for your child’s age to avoid any potential accidents.

2. Bring a designated trash can 

Avoid the hassle of picking brown apple cores or other trash out of your car’s cup holders by keeping a small trash bag or container on each row of your vehicle. This way everyone has easy access to throw their garbage away instead of making a mess. A clean environment is a happy environment, especially when traveling with children!

If you’ll be travelling by plane, it’s also a “neat” idea to prep a small trash bag to keep messes at bay in between flight attendant visits. Plus, pack your Thieves® Wipes to clean any messes quickly and easily!

3. Keep kids entertained 

Keep family travel screen free with these interactive activities! Simply print out the activity PDFs and bring them with you on your trip. For easy organization, store them in upcycled school folders so your kiddo can keep their papers in one place.

Activities for older children 

I Spy Colors: I spy with my little eye something…RED! Practice observation and writing skills by writing down items kiddos see for each category. Download page 1 here and page 2 here.

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My Favorite Braised Red Cabbage

This is my favorite recipe for braised red cabbage! It’s tart, salty, and a little sweet, thanks to the addition of sliced apples.

A white pot is being used to braise vegetables. It rests on a white surface.A white pot is being used to braise vegetables. It rests on a white surface.

I don’t post a lot of vegetable side dishes on this blog.

This isn’t really a conscious choice. It’s a product of my habits. More often than not, the vegetable sides that I serve with my dinners are very, very simple.

Think steamed broccoli or kale, a little salad with whatever dressing I have in the fridge, or some seasonal vegetable that’s simply roasted with olive oil, salt, and pepper. All nutritious, all good, but not things that I think to share.

There are a few, slightly more thoughtful vegetable sides that I love. One is the miso butter Brussels sprouts that I shared in the fall. Another is some sort of massaged kale salad, often either my tahini mint kale salad or tofu feta kale salad.

When I want something that’s heartier than just a vegetable—a vegetable mixed with a whole grain—I really love this broccoli tabbouleh.

And then there’s braised cabbage.

A white bowl holds braised red cabbage and apples.A white bowl holds braised red cabbage and apples.

Braised cabbage—it’s not the sexiest of recipe titles, is it? Yet it happens to be one of my trustiest, most beloved side dishes.

This humble veggie side is not only tasty, nutrient dense, and filling. It’s also versatile, easy to make, and it yields a big pot of cruciferous goodness, which means plenty of leftovers for the week.

Where I live, the ingredients for the recipe are available year-round. Because the dish incorporates apples, I tend to think of it as being a quintessential autumn and winter side. But, as I’m learning right now, it’s also great for the chilly days of late spring and beyond.

What is braising, exactly?

What does it mean to braise a vegetable?

Braising is what’s known as a combination cooking method—just a way of saying that it involves two different preparation techniques. It involves searing or sautéing something (usually meat or vegetables) at a high temperature, then adding liquid and simmering them over low heat.

The point is to create flavor from the high heat cooking, then to ensure a super tender texture through the slow simmering.

Technically, the cabbage itself in this recipe is only simmered. But the onions are browned first, which deepens the flavor of the whole dish.

A white pot holds sautéed onions.A white pot holds sautéed onions.

Once the onions have browned a bit, you’ll add cabbage, apples, vinegar, salt, and broth to your pot. These ingredients are simmered for about 45 minutes, or until they’re very tender and flavorful.

Braised red cabbage ingredients

This recipe features a nice, short ingredient list. Here’s what you’ll need.

Red cabbage

You’ll need a single head of red cabbage to make the recipe. It should be small or medium-sized.

Heads of cabbage can range from being barely bigger than a closed fist to truly being the size of a human head. Use something in-between. After coring and thinly slicing or shredding, you should have about 1 3/4 lb of prepared cabbage.


This braised red cabbage recipe is based off of the cabbage component of the quinoa bowls with braised red cabbage, tofu, and Brussels sprouts in my cookbook, Power Plates.

I had tried braised cabbage before I made that recipe, but when I tested it for the book, I threw in apples for extra sweetness, nutrition, texture, and flavor. I loved the addition; it gave the cabbage more complexity and brightened all of the sweet/savory notes in the recipe.

I’ve added apples to my braised red cabbage ever since. Any variety of apple should work here, but I usually reach for honeycrisp, Fuji, or gala apples, which are the ones I tend to have in my fridge year-round.

Onions + brown sugar

The dry heat portion of cooking the braised red cabbage is to sauté onions and brown sugar for about 10 minutes, or until the onions are sweet, tender, and browning.

Do you have to add the brown sugar? No, you can choose to omit it. I recommend, it, though. The sugar will help the onions to brown and enhance their flavor. It will also help to give the braised red cabbage all of its intended sweet and savory notes.

As for the onion, I’ve made this recipe with white, yellow, and red onions. They’ve all worked very well, so you can go ahead and use what you have.


Apple cider vinegar adds acidity and tartness to the braised cabbage. If you don’t have ACV at home, you can try white wine vinegar as a substitute.


Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt is what I cook with at home, and I use between 1 1/2 and 2 teaspoons in this recipe.

You should adjust the salt in the recipe according to a few factors. First, how salty is your vegetable broth? Low sodium broth will call for more salt, regular broth may require less.

Second, how salty is your salt? Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt has less salinity than fine sea salt. If you use fine sea salt in the recipe, I recommend starting with 1/2 teaspoon and salting to taste at the end of cooking.

Vegetable broth

You can use your favorite vegetable broth, homemade or store-bought, to prepare the braised cabbage. A vegan no-chicken broth will also work well, as will vegan chicken-style bouillon.

As you braise the cabbage, you may need to add an extra splash of broth. Check the cabbage a few times as it simmers to make sure there’s some cooking liquid in the pot. There should be enough to continue cooking the vegetables, about an inch or two.

A close up image of a cross-section of cut red cabbage.A close up image of a cross-section of cut red cabbage.

Do I need to use red cabbage?

Not at all. Green cabbage will also work well in this recipe.

All varieties of cabbage are rich in nutrition. Cabbage is a great source of dietary fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Vitamin B6.

However, I’m especially fond of red cabbage (also known as purple cabbage, which I guess is a more accurate description).

That vibrant color means that the cabbage is a great source of anthocyanins, chemical compounds that may be beneficial for heart health and even have an anti-cancer effect.

Plus, red cabbage is just so pretty to look at!

An angled photograph of braised red cabbage, resting on a white surface.An angled photograph of braised red cabbage, resting on a white surface.

How to serve braised red cabbage

I find that the braised cabbage works fits nicely into a ton of different meals. It’s a great component to add to your favorite vegan lunch bowl, for starters.

Braised cabbage is also a good side dish to serve with a favorite plant protein. I’d recommend this recipe to go alongside my lemon pepper baked tempeh, balsamic mustard baked tempeh, balsamic baked tofu, your favorite preparation of seitan, or brothy white beans.

If you feel like staying within the braising theme, you could try the cabbage with my braised lentils on toast or my great big pot of braised beans and kale.

Another idea: have a scoop of the braised cabbage with your favorite lunch toast or sandwich for some extra nutrition. I love to have it with my miso tahini vegetable sandwich, fifteen minute tempeh lunch salad, tofu egg salad, and lentil tahini wraps.

Finally, you can make your favorite salad even more flavorful and colorful by tossing in a cup or two of the braised red cabbage.

I love raw, shredded red cabbage in my salads, but the cooked cabbage is more inherently flavorful as a salad mix-in. It’s an especially nice addition to grain salads, like this farro salad with balsamic roasted cauliflower or my lemony bulgur chickpea salad.

Meal prep & storage

Braised red cabbage is an easy, convenient dish to meal prep on weekends. It makes about six servings, and it can be stored for up to five days in an airtight container in the fridge.

The cabbage also freezes very well. You can freeze extra portions for up to six weeks, defrosting them whenever you need a nutritious, colorful, vibrant veggie to enliven your meals.

More favorite vegetable side dishes

When I do branch out beyond steamed broccoli for my dinner sides, here are some of the favorites that I reach for:

A white bowl holds braised red cabbage and apples.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 55 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Yields: 6 servings

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large or two medium/small red onions, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1-2 teaspoons salt*
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 medium red cabbage, cored and thinly sliced (about 1 3/4 lb / 800 g after preparation)
  • 2 large honeycrisp, Fuji, or gala apples, thinly sliced
  • 1 1/2 cups vegetable broth (360 ml)
  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • Heat the oil in a large skillet or pot over medium heat. Add the onion and sugar and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes, until the onion is very tender and clear. 

  • Stir in the salt, vinegar, cabbage, apple, and broth. Bring the broth to a boil. Turn the heat to low, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes, until the cabbage is very tender. Stir everything a few times during cooking.

  • Season the cabbage with pepper, then taste and adjust the salt or vinegar if desired. Serve.

*The amount of salt you need will depend on how salty your broth is and also on what type of salt you use. I use 1 1/2-2 teaspoons of Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt, which is as salty as 1 teaspoon fine sea salt. You may wish to begin with 1 teaspoon, taste the braised cabbage, and add salt to your liking.
A white bowl has been filled with vegetables. It rests on a white surface.A white bowl has been filled with vegetables. It rests on a white surface.

I’ve made quite a few pots of this cabbage over the last few weeks, and I’m happy to still have some in my freezer. I’ll be prepping the usual pots of grains and jars of sauce/dressing this weekend, and it’ll be just the thing to serve them with.

Hope you’ll enjoy this simple, nourishing staple, too. Happy hump day!


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How and Why You Should Use Essential Oil On Feet

YL tip: Apply 3−4 drops of any of these essential oils to the bottoms of your feet for an essential oil foot massage. If you want to mix it up, try one of our DIY blend recipes listed later in this post!

Why should you put essential oils on your feet?

There are many reasons why putting essential oils on your feet may be the key to your self-care routine.

1. Essential oils can be easily absorbed through your feet. Did you know that the pores on the bottoms of your feet are the largest on your body? This makes your feet a uniquely absorbent place to apply essential oils that can help support your self-care routine.

 2. Applying oils to your feet will help you feel extra pampered. After a long day, the first thing you likely want to do is kick back and relax to your favorite TV show, snacks in hand. A simple foot massage on tired, worn-out feet is a great way to add an extra sign to your body that it’s time to relax and help instill your schedule with specific relaxation time.

3. The skin on your feet is less sensitive. From the time you first started walking, your feet have gotten their fair share of wear and tear. As a result, the skin on your feet is thicker and less sensitive than the skin on other parts of your body. This means that you are less likely to have a reaction when using essential oils on your feet. But, as always, make sure to spot test new oils on a small area of skin to make sure you do not have an allergic reaction.

4. Your feet are full of pressure points. According to the ancient Chinese medicinal practice of foot reflexology, specific areas on your feet correspond to different organs and parts of your body.

DIY foot massage oil blends

You can place essential oils on your feet any time of day, but it is especially effective to do as part of your routine first thing in the morning or as you wind down at night. That’s why choosing the right essential oil for the right time is so important! If you associate the scent of a particular oil with relaxation and rest, it’s probably best to use that at night as part of your bedtime routine; whereas an oil with a scent that you find invigorating and exciting should be used in the morning as you prepare for the day. If you’re not sure which oils are right for your routine, experiment with some of these combinations!

For a drop of excitement:

Prepare for the day with these rejuvenating oil blends to kick-start your morning.

  • 6 drops Eucalyptus Globulus + 3 drops Tea Tree + 3 drops Thyme
  • 6 drops Tea Tree + 6 drops Peppermint
  • 8 drops Lemon + 4 drops Rosemary
  • 4 drops Lemongrass + 4 drops Cypress + 4 drops Geranium Bourbon

For something more meditative:

Smooth your bedtime transition with these meditative blends that are perfect for use as you wind down at the end of your day.

  • 6 drops Lavender + 6 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 6 drops Roman Chamomile + 3 drops Clary Sage + 3 drops Bergamot
  • 6 drops Marjoram + 6 drops Lavender

To make, combine the essential oils from one of the blends above (or create your own blend of 8−12 drops of essential oil) with ¼ cup (2 ounces) carrier oil such as like V-6™ into an empty glass bottle. Shake before each use.

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Are You Giving Too Much to Your Job? Find Out Here


If you feel as though you are giving too much to your job then you will know how frustrating this can be. You may feel as though nothing you do is able to get the results your boss wants from you and this can work against you in many ways. If you want to stop this from being the case then take a look below to see what you could do to try and turn things around.

You Don’t Have Free Time

You may find that you spend nearly every waking moment in the office. You may also feel as though when you do have free time, you are just continually refreshing your work email. This is not good to say the least and you may become burnt out with this very quickly. The effort and the stress of being constantly at work will soon take its toll on you physically as well. So if your life feels void of any kind of downtime or if you find it hard to recharge and relax then this is a huge indicator that you need to try and slow things down a bit. Want to make a change? Tell your boss you’re not available to work nights and weekends. If you can do this then soon things will fall back into place.

You’re Carrying the Load

It’s true that if you work too much, you may find that you end up carrying too much of a mental burden. You may also end up visiting a local chiropractor more than you realize because the stress of your job can take its toll more than you realize.

Lazy people in the office may be able to spot you from a mile away as well, and this can ultimately mean that you end up picking up their workload. You may feel as though you end up having tons of extra stuff added to your plate and this can really impact your energy levels.

Your Goals are Career-Related

If someone asks you where you would want to be 10 years from now, you may mention your career and there is nothing wrong with this, but if you feel as though all of your goals are career-related then this is a major sign that you need to slow down. You may find that you are far too focused on getting a big office or even an insane promotion.

Although there is nothing wrong with this, you have to remember that eventually, this isn’t going to be enough for you. See the bigger picture and make sure that your career is not your be-all and end-all.

If it is then you may find that you start struggling overall and that you are simply not able to get the result you want out of your efforts. You may also find that if your job takes a downward turn, you are stuck with nowhere to go and this is not a good situation to be in at all.

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Celebrate International Women’s Day with 4 Incredible Stories of Women Breaking Through the Bias to Thrive

Jolene Kaufusi

Senior Scientist – Research & Discovery, Young Living GHQ

Boundless curiosity is what helped Jolene stumble into a career in formulation chemistry. Not content with simply testing products in a lab, Jolene wanted to create her own formulas. She started learning on her own and shadowing the formulation lab until one day a position opened and she was hired thanks to her self-taught knowledge and experience. “The thing is that books, labs, and equations do not know what gender is,” she noted when asked about the false stigma that women aren’t as inclined as men for scientific careers. 

She does believe, however, that gender representation matters when it comes to the output of her work, noting that men don’t bring the same perspective to the table that women do. “How do they know what really matters to the female consumer or what types of products would make a woman’s life easier? While they can ask another woman, there is something to be said about first-hand experience and the insights that can come because of that,” she says. Being a woman in a male-dominated field has only helped Jolene excel because of her unique and thoughtful insights.

Jolene’s natural curiosity and hands-on attitude got her into the field of her dreams, while learning more about empowerment through soft skills helped her get to her position today. One of her hardest lessons learned was that, in the workforce and in life, you are ultimately treated how you allow yourself to be treated by others—a lesson she still contends with. “I have been learning to speak up for myself and say ‘no’—to be bold, negotiate my salary, and understand my worth. This is not always easy and I fight feeling intimidated,” she says. Even though Jolene broke through the bias to achieve her goals, she still actively fights to get what she wants.

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Essential Oils Quiz | Spirit Animal

Maybe you envy those horses who get to spend their days roaming rolling green hills out in the wild, or maybe you’ve always dreamed of living the life of a sea turtle, coasting through tropical waves. After all, who wouldn’t want to swap bills and traffic jams for the bare necessities? Answer these nine questions to find out which animal would be your alter ego and learn which essential oil is a natural fit!

Share this quiz with your whole pack and find out which animal your family and friends match up with!

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